
Why choose a facelift?

As you age, your body produces less collagen and elastin, two proteins essential to maintaining a youthful appearance. As a result, the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, while wrinkles and lines become more apparent. Aging also causes loss of muscle tone and fat, creating a tired and aged appearance. A strategic facelift with Dr. Poulos in Northborough can beautifully address multiple signs of aging all at once. 

What are the benefits of a facelift?

  • Natural improvements with organic-looking results
  • Elevation of sagging facial tissue
  • Smoother, younger complexion
  • A more attractive jawline
  • Tightening of underlying facial muscle groups
  • Improvement in the neck
  • Reduction of a double chin
  • Increased satisfaction with one’s image

Dr. Poulos is incredible. She is professional and honest. I was thinking of a few different procedures and she was very honest about what she thought I needed, what she thought was most important and which would make the most sense timing wise. I appreciated her honesty. In addition to Dr. Poulos, her office and her staff are all fantastic. I look forward to seeing her again.

K. Dang

Cynthia M. Poulos MD

What will my recovery entail?

Dr. Poulos will give you detailed instructions to follow after your recovery. The surgeon takes an active role in your aftercare and will routinely meet with you to ensure you are healing quickly and safely. The initial recovery period takes approximately one to two weeks, during which you will need to refrain from normal activities including work and exercise. Bed rest is important to allow your body to heal properly. Swelling and bruising are normal during the initial recovery but should subside over time.

With proper care and maintenance, the results can last for many years. Good skin care and lifestyle habits (e.g., not smoking and avoid the sun) can prolong your results. We may also recommend BOTOX, dermal fillers or other non-surgical treatments to maintain your results.

Who is a good candidate for a facelift in Worcester?

You may be an ideal candidate for facelift if you are bothered by one or more of the following:

  • Lines beneath the eyelids, and around the nose and mouth
  • Creases on the cheeks
  • Folds and wrinkles on the chin and neck
  • Displaced fat
  • Excess fat and skin along the jawline, underneath the chin and on the neck

Before & After

What can I expect from the procedure?

There are several variations of a facelift, including a standard facelift and a mini facelift. Each technique varies, according to the degree of correction necessary. In addition, many facelift procedures incorporate a neck lift to address signs of aging on the neck (e.g., excess skin and fat, horizontal neck bands). 

In any case, facelift is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals. Dr. Poulos will meet with you personally to examine your facial features and discuss your cosmetic concerns and goals. Using this information, Dr. Poulos will create a treatment plan that best achieves your desired outcome.

A facelift is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, which ensures that you will not feel any pain during surgery. During a standard facelift, Dr. Poulos will create an incision in the hairline at the temples, which will continue around the ears and end in the lower scalp. She will then lift the facial skin to access and re-suspend the deep tissues to a higher and more youthful position. Displaced fat will be relocated or resculpted as needed to create a more natural-looking appearance. Finally, excess skin will be trimmed and the remaining skin will be redraped over the uplifted contours and closed with sutures.

Why choose Dr. Cynthia Poulos in Northborough for a facelift?

The beauty and success of your facelift results largely depend on the surgeon you choose to perform the procedure. Dr. Poulos is a top Northborough plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over 20 years of experience and advanced surgical training and skill that enable her to deliver consistently exceptional results. Highly regarded for her commitment to patient care, Dr. Poulos has been named “Best Plastic Surgeon” by Worcester Magazine. Using her expertise and acute eye for artistry, she will work with you to design a treatment plan that achieves the most rejuvenating results while still preserving your natural and unique beauty.

What’s next?

To discuss your facial rejuvenation needs and goals, schedule a consultation with our board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Poulos. Contact our Northborough office by calling today.

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