
What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also called a nose job or nose surgery, is a procedure performed to correct both aesthetic and structural flaws in the nose. The surgery can help Worcester men and women of all ages to feel more confident in their personal appearance, and can create balanced, harmonious features that reflect their wishes and preferences. Dr. Poulos is highly sensitive to preserving cultural and ethnic identity and will never perform a “one-procedure-fits-all” rhinoplasty. She carefully tailors her approach to the individual after conducting an in-depth consultation and physical evaluation.

What issues can rhinoplasty address?

Rhinoplasty can correct an array of cosmetic imperfections, as well as functional problems concerning the nose, including the following:

  • Oversized, crooked or asymmetrical nose
  • Bump or dip on the nasal bridge
  • Bulbous, drooping or upturned nasal tip
  • Overly large, wide or unevenly sized nostrils
  • Deviated septum
  • Structural abnormality (e.g., deviated septum, enlarged turbinates) that cause breathing problems

What are the details of the procedure?

Rhinoplasty involves creating incisions to make the necessary modifications to the nasal structures. Dr. Poulos can create the incisions using either the open or closed technique. In the open technique, an incision is made on the thin strip of skin between the nostrils, known as the columella. The open technique gives Dr. Poulos more visibility and thus more control during surgery. However, the open technique does leave a small external scar.

The closed technique involves creating an incision in the interior of the nostrils. This approach does not leave any visible scarring, but limits the surgeon’s visibility during the operation. Dr. Poulos will choose the technique for your procedure based on several factors, including your nasal anatomy and personal preferences.

I had rhinoplasty and breast implants done by Dr. Poulos, and I could not be happier. Great team to work with. Dr. Poulos leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the pros and cons of the procedures she performs, and the results are natural looking. I definitely recommend. You will not be disappointed.

Before & After

What are the benefits of rhinoplasty?

  • Reshaping of the bridge, tip or nostrils
  • Improvement in breathing
  • More balanced features
  • Enhanced nasal symmetry
  • Repairs to nasal injuries
  • Improved self-confidence in one’s image

Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

A good candidate for rhinoplasty is at least 14 or 15 years old and has a nose that has finished growing. Patients who are unhappy with the aesthetic appearance of their noses, as well as those who suffer from breathing problems are excellent candidates, provided they are in good mental and physical health, are non-smokers, and have realistic expectations regarding their outcome.

Cynthia M. Poulos MD

Why choose Dr. Poulos for nose surgery?

A complex procedure, rhinoplasty should only be performed by a surgeon that possesses the right combination of training, surgical skill and experience needed to deliver natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing results. The success of the procedure is highly dependent on it. 

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Poulos is one of the most sought-after rhinoplasty surgeons in Northborough. She is a Diplomate of both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery, making her one of the most expertly trained plastic surgeons in the area. She combines her strong technical training and skill with an artistic eye to produce consistently beautiful results. Dr. Poulos is sensitive to the unique needs of her patients. She will work with you to improve the appearance of your nose without compromising your unique beauty.

Dr. Poulos is committed to the safety and wellbeing of her patients. Her state-of-the-art practice has achieved the highest standard of accreditation for in-office surgery suites through the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. By choosing Dr. Poulos as your rhinoplasty surgeon, you can rest assured that you are in the care of an experienced surgeon whose expertise you can trust.

What can I expect during recovery?

Dr. Poulos will play an active role in your recovery from nose surgery. She and her professional Northborough medical team will meet with you regularly to ensure your nose and face are healing as quickly and safely as possible. The initial recovery period for rhinoplasty usually takes one to two weeks. During this period, you will need to rest as much as possible, with your head elevated at all times. Bruising and swelling on and around the nose are normal and should subside over time.

While some of the results of rhinoplasty become visible as soon as the initial swelling resolves, the final aesthetic benefits of the procedure can take up to a year to become visible.

What’s next?

If you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your nose, we encourage you to discuss your concerns with our rhinoplasty surgeon. Contact Dr. Poulos’ Northborough office by calling today.

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